Today the world is advancing in an
inconceivable way.The victory of science
has risen in every part of the world.
inconceivable way.The victory of science
has risen in every part of the world.
Science has made impossible things possible.
It has brought the world to our reach.Mobile
phone is one of the amazing inventions of
science.Before Mobile was invented,
communication and messaging system was
very hard.But
distance of the world.It is such a cordless
phone by which we can communicate and
talk to others immediately.It is pragmatic
and interesting matter that now-a-days
messaging and internet system have been
included in it.So one can easily send a message
to anyone and can be introduced to internet
technolozy.It is comparatively cheap in
Bangladesh.Though it was a sign of aristocracy
in the past,now it is found in everyone’s hand
in Bangladesh.Today it has turned into a merely
need.In Bangladesh Grameen Phone,City Cell,
Banglalink,Airtel and have been providing us
mobile facilities.Moreover
companies like Nokia,Siemens,Motoralla,
Sony Erricson,Samsung,Philips etc.are found in
Bangladesh.They are also different in size,
function and qualities.However,with all
the merits,a mobilephone has some demerits
too.It is injurious to our health.It harms
our brain,when we taik through it.Again
the excessive use of
fatal diseases like brain tumer,canncer etc.
So,we should be conscious in using it.
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