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Sunday, June 24, 2012


The world is moving fast with the advancement

of science and technolozy.Computer is a wonder

of modern science and technolozy.

Charles Babbage,Professor of Mathematics,

thought of this computer in 1830.But professor

Haward Aiken invented the first mechanical

computer in 1944.After that electronic computers

were invented .Now computer is changing

almost everyday.There are two kinds of computers.

These are Mode based and Mathematical based.

The mode based are Analogue computers.In the

past it was used for single purpose.The next

generation of computers is mathematical based.

Besides there are Digital computer,Hybrid computer

and Super computer.The components of computer

are CPU, Key-boards and mouse, monitor, printer

or output device.The three parts of CPU or Central

Processing Unit are memory, arithmetic logic and

controlling unit.The Key-board resembles the

traditional Key-board of type-writer.There are

other function keys F1 to F12 and numeric akin to

a calculator key-pad.

The computer has revolutionized printing,banking

and other industrial works.One can put ten years

of file which can fill 20 cabinets in a small disk.

It can compose books, newspaper and reports

in a great speed.It can play chess and even can

play on musical instrument.Now-a-days,traffic is

also controlled with the help of computers.

Bangladesh has stepped into the era of computers.

She has entered into INTERNET.The world of

information has come to our homes.We all should

learn how to operate computer as the modern world

is the age of computer.

Saturday, June 16, 2012


Advertising has become a very specialized

activity in modern times.In the business

world of today,supply is usually greater than

demand.There is great competition between

different manufacturers of the same kind of

product to persuade customers to buy their

own particular brand.They always have to

remind the consumer of the name and the

qualities of their product.They do this by

advertising.The manufacturer advertises

in the newspapers and on posters.

He sometimes pays for songs about his

product in commercial radio programmes.

He employs attractive sales girls to distribute

samples of it.He organizes competitions,

with prizes for the winners.He often

advertises on the screens of local cinemas.

Most important of all,in countries that have

television he has advertisements put into

programmes that will accept them.

Manufacturers often spend large sums of

money on advertisements.Now talk about

Google advertising system, Google is the

best online advertising system.By Google

we can advertise our product.Most of

companies advertises their product by

Google in online.So, I think it is modern

technolozy  of advertising.Promote your

business on Google with the most effective

online advertising technolozy.

Monday, June 11, 2012


Today the world is advancing in an

inconceivable way.The victory of science

has risen in every part of the world.

Science has made impossible things possible.

It has brought the world to our reach.Mobile

phone is one of the amazing inventions of

science.Before Mobile was invented,

communication and messaging system was

very hard.But Mobile has now lessened the

distance of the world.It is such a cordless

phone by which we can communicate and

talk to others immediately.It is pragmatic

and interesting matter that now-a-days

messaging and internet system have been

included in it.So one can easily send a message

to anyone and can be introduced to internet

technolozy.It is comparatively cheap in

Bangladesh.Though it was a sign of aristocracy

in the past,now it is found in everyone’s hand

in Bangladesh.Today it has turned into a merely

need.In Bangladesh Grameen Phone,City Cell,

Banglalink,Airtel and have been providing us

mobile facilities.Moreover Mobile set

companies like Nokia,Siemens,Motoralla,

Sony Erricson,Samsung,Philips etc.are found in

Bangladesh.They are also different in size,

function and qualities.However,with all

the merits,a mobilephone has some demerits

too.It is injurious to our health.It harms

our brain,when we taik through it.Again

the excessive use of Mobile often causes

fatal diseases like brain tumer,canncer etc.

So,we should be conscious in using it.

Sunday, June 10, 2012


Now-a-days satellite is a very familiar

name to us.In modern civilization its

contribution is very extensive.A satellite

is a man made device which moves around

the earth in an orbit. It is launched with

the help of a rocket from a launch site.

A radar is also used to receive message

which a satellite sends back to earth .

There are different kinds of satellites

depending on the purposes they serve.

Such as a weather satellite is used to get

information about weather condition on

earth.An astronomical satellite is used to

monitor radiation  from stars and outer

space.A tele-communication satellite is

used to make an international telephone

calls and to telecast live programmes on

T.V.from a part of the world.A navigation

satellite helps a ship to pinpoint its position.

An astronomical satellite is also used to

identify the position of aeroplane.However,

scientists are using satellites for various

purposes.The size of satellite may be different.

Friday, June 8, 2012


Electronic mail is popularly  known as

‘e-mail’.It is one of the greatest achievement

of modern science.It has brought a dramatic

change in modern communication system.

Email is very helpful for the students.They

require to consult many books.But all are

not available in the libraries of their schools,

colleges and universities.But email offers

them the opportunity to collect any

information from any book.It is also very

cheap and easy to use. Besides by  using

email the users can save their times.If a

person has a personal computer and a

telephone connection,he can get email

connection.It also reduces the consumption

of paper in the offices.So email saves money

as well as time.Through email,messages can

be transmitted from one country to another

within a few seconds.It is far cheaper than

telephone calls.So nowadays trade and

commerce has become greatly dependent

on this speedy type of communication.But

email is not being widely used in Bangladesh.

To be adjusted with the modern world the

young generation of Bangladesh,must have

the knowledge of using email.

Sunday, June 3, 2012


The in invention of computer is one

of the greatest advances in modern

technolozy.It is a fairly recent invention.

Computer is a substitute for the human

brain.Computers are capable of doing

extremely complicated work in all branches

of learning.In few minutes a computer

can perform calculations that trained

mathematician would need years to

complete.It can put thousands of unrelated

facts in order.The fastest computers

can handle millions of problems in a few

seconds.It can perform many operations

at a time and the same time without any

confusion.Now-a-days computer has

become very sophisticated and it can be

put to various uses.It is already used in

industries and in universities.It can run a

business,play chess or even compose

music.It has now become an essential part

of modern life.It has greatly benefited us

and brought about revolutionary change

in our life.